Tesla makes last-ditch Model 3 delivery push as pressures mount
02 April 2018, 08:00
With pressure escalating after one of the worst weeks in its history, Tesla raced to manufacture and deliver its mission-critical Model 3 sedan to burnish the numbers it's about to report to rattled investors.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20180402/OEM05/180409929/tesla-makes-last-ditch-model-3-delivery-push-as-pressures-mount
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With pressure escalating after one of the worst weeks in its history, Tesla raced to manufacture and deliver its mission-critical Model 3 sedan to burnish the numbers it's about to report to rattled investors.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20180402/OEM05/180409929/tesla-makes-last-ditch-model-3-delivery-push-as-pressures-mount
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