Japanese automakers make way more cars in U.S. than they import from home
03 July 2018, 08:00
That's the result of measures taken since the 1980s, when laid-off Detroit autoworkers vented their frustrations by bashing Japanese cars with sledgehammers.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20180703/OEM01/180709915/japanese-automakers-make-way-more-cars-in-u-s-than-they-import-from
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That's the result of measures taken since the 1980s, when laid-off Detroit autoworkers vented their frustrations by bashing Japanese cars with sledgehammers.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20180703/OEM01/180709915/japanese-automakers-make-way-more-cars-in-u-s-than-they-import-from
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