Tesla faces setback in La., fires off subpoenas in Mich.
08 June 2017, 08:00
Louisiana joined the growing list of states banning Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales. And, in Michigan, Tesla is pushing forward in a court case against the state for the same restriction.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20170607/RETAIL/170609804/tesla-faces-setback-in-la-fires-off-subpoenas-in-mich
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Louisiana joined the growing list of states banning Tesla's direct-to-consumer sales. And, in Michigan, Tesla is pushing forward in a court case against the state for the same restriction.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20170607/RETAIL/170609804/tesla-faces-setback-in-la-fires-off-subpoenas-in-mich
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