Tesla worker claims timing of firing denied him lucrative shares
20 September 2017, 08:00
A former Tesla factory worker filed a lawsuit alleging the company fired him a day before his one-year anniversary, denying him hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock options that he claims should have vested.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20170919/OEM/309199919/tesla-worker-claims-timing-of-firing-denied-him-lucrative-shares
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A former Tesla factory worker filed a lawsuit alleging the company fired him a day before his one-year anniversary, denying him hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stock options that he claims should have vested.
Source: http://www.autonews.com/article/20170919/OEM/309199919/tesla-worker-claims-timing-of-firing-denied-him-lucrative-shares
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